Julianne Desiderata wrote:Quick question:
When do you start your seedlings indoors?
I live in the Thumb of Michigan and it's dicey, at best, to plant outdoors before the end of May. We've had snow on Memorial Day.
HI! Cool weather plants such as lettuce you can plant indoors 8 weeks before your last frost date and you can plant them in the garden 4 weeks before your last frost date. For your warm weather plants such as peppers or tomatoes, you can plant them 8 weeks before your last frost date . Transplant them around week 3 or 4 into a bigger pots. Then when they are around 7 weeks old, you can start to move them outside to harden off but bring them back inside at night. By 8 weeks old they can be planted outside but do watch for a cold front. If one comes through be sure to cover the warm weather plants at night.
Here is a great article to get you started.