I am planning on removing the dirt (95% bank run) and replacing it with a good top soil mixed with my own organic compost. Why you ask? Because the dirt is just terrible there and it's opposite my good grass(on the other side of my driveway) which does have fairly good soil. I can't get the grass there to look good and it will take to long to improve that area. It's not to big and I have the equipment to do it so....
My question is. I'm going to use a good mix of blue and tall fescue seeds. Coming from the chemical approach, I would normally throw some starter fert down and cover it with
straw, not hay due to the weed seeds. Straw however takes a while to break down. Now that I'm 100% organic is the straw still the best bet? Or
should I cover the seed with a fine layer of screened
compost? It's irrigated , if that matters. Should I fertilize with some organic fert?