Steve Zoma wrote:
I only have a 1 cubic yard trailer, but when I had to have 350 cubic yards from a half mile away, a guy was going to charge me $7000 to move my own gravel. Instead I moved 1 cubic yard, 10 times a day, and in 35 days moved those 350 cubic yards.
i love that!! i was inspired a lot by this dude who has a youtube channel called edible acres. he's been directing and collecting
water on his property for like 11 years and it seems like a similar landscape/climate to mine (he's in new york and i'm in nova scotia). all hand-dug stuff slowly over time and responding to how water naturally moves and making adjustments. it looks a bit messier than a professional pond but it's pragmatic and i'm not going all-out over many acres like he did, just one small area, like 1/4 acre.
i researched our soil type and (perched) water table and stuff all winter. i checked the holes this week and the water is really low in them, which makes sense because all the snow is gone

so obviously, a lot of the water in the first foot of soil is seepage and not spring, which is obvious to me. this gives me an opportunity to dig down deeper and see how far the table is. it's perfect because there is a spot not too far from the pond that really needs to be levelled out so i can grow stuff in it. nice to do things slowly and by hand so that if you end up wanting to abandon it, you didn't go too big too quickly and spend a bunch of money on it!!
and the E X C E R C I S E!!! free gym membership right in my backyard lol