Dear Friends,
I am a first grade teacher and always at the end of the year I want to spend most of my time with my students out of doors. This is my science time when I like to play with the elements. I am looking for simple toys to make with children that explore the qualities of the elements. What I know I can do are kites and pinwheels and parachutes to play with the wind and the air. We can make boats of all sorts to sail down the nearby stream but I am wondering if anyone has tips or tricks to make simple
water wheels or other thoughts about water toys.
I would also like to make marble runs out of earth and mud or maybe sticks nailed to a board to guide the marbles or other simple gravity exploring toys. Any ideas would be appreciated. Also if any one has any ideas for contained fire toys, or maybe we just roast some snack potatoes.
Anyways, what have you played with as a child out of doors? I would love to hear your thoughts.Thank you!