Hi all!
I'm in high desert western US, and I'm grappling with Bermuda grass. When we moved to our current house, the previous owners had seeded both with bermuda grass. It does surprisingly well here, often it's basically the only thing growing in a given area. It actually does seem to improve or preserve the soil underneath it, as the areas that have bermuda grass seemed to be the only ones that weren't compacted. Shortly after moving it, we put down 6-12 inches of mulch over the front and back
yard, courtesy of the
local tree crews, and planted out both with food forest species. We're hitting year four now and things are doing great, and I'm thinking about the next phase of our planting, which is to fill the groundcover niche currently occupied by the Bermuda grass. The mulch seems to have knocked it back
enough for the woody perennials to establish, but it's starting to come back with a vengeance now.
So here's my question:
Should I bother replacing it, and if so, with what? It needs no care or
water and seems to do a good job keeping topsoil in place, but it doesn't really give any other valuable yields that something like Mallow or clover might. I hear that grasses compete pretty aggressively with
trees and other woodies, so that seems like a good reason to get rid of it, but what else can survive and outcompete bermuda in these conditions? So far I've tried
sainfoin, which grows but not thickly enough to outcompete it, common mallow, which does pretty well but needs watering, sweetclover, which grows a bit too upright to shade out the grass, and yarrow, which grows thickly enough but doesn't spread fast enough to beat out the bermuda
Any recommendations, things I should think about, or anything else? Thanks!