Besides having a major identity crisis this plant is amazing. I have spent a good deal of time trying to figure out if it's kale or collard,
the answer seems to be yes??? I ordered purple tree kale, and this is what I got.
There was a time not that long ago I would have crinkled my nose and said no way to Kale. Now I'm singing it's praises. I received two 4" piece. Got the end wet, dipped in
root tone, and put it in a pot of soil. They grow very fast.
water them when I think about it. (Was good at keeping them watered in the beginning, until they became established). They produce all year (for me in N. Ca. Zone 9 b). Taste wonderful most of the year. ( They can get bitter in the heat, but I just
feed it to the
chickens, they don't seem to mind). That's it. Seriously it's that simple. I have had very little pest problems. When it got to big in the veggie garden I cut it down to nothing. Most plants would have died, and honestly I thought it might for a bit, but it's growing new leaves.
It propagates like a dream. When you decide you love it, and want to share with all your friends and family. A tip cutting, or a chunk of stem with a couple of leaf nodes in soil will grow. I used a rooting hormone to help, but I understand it's not necessary. I started a bunch of cuttings 2 weeks ago. Everyone has top growth. One already has a little root peeking out of the bottom of the pot. Truly amazing.
Tasty, very healthy, super easy to grow, produce year round, is a perennial, and is super easy to propagate. You just can't go wrong. ( Did I mention the
chickens love it? Add reduction in
chicken feed)