I started eating a lot of garlic when I developed high blood pressure because I read it is good to reduce it. I had never raised it but a friend gave me a bag full from his garden so I decided to plant them since it was fall and the time to plant. I had a small
raised bed 8ft by 4 ft. I also had some garlic left over from the store so I planted half the bed with the store bought garlic and half with my friend's garlic. I didn't expect any of them to grow so I didn't write down which was planted where. One side came up and just kept growing all winter. The other side did not have one plant come up. Now I don't know which garlic I have but boy do I have garlic. On a 4x4 section I harvested
enough to fill my porch swing (I needed a place to dry it). Some were the typical size we see at the store but some of them were big as my hand. I will keep the biggest and best to use to plant again this fall. I have been cooking with the fresh garlic and it is so good. I plan to dehydrate lots of it for garlic flakes to use while cooking all year. I just never knew it was so easy.