Doug Mac wrote:Carolyn, What age do you wean at? Which self feeder do you use? I'm bottle feeding 12 now. I tried to switch over to a self feeder with the gray nipples with tubes but had a scours outbreak. I went back to bottles to make sure everything was getting clean. I don't think the self feeder was the cause but I didn't want to switch anything up while they were still recovering. Do self feeders save a lot of time? How hard are they to clean? How often do you clean it?
I'm raising these 12 to get a handle on costs for bottle feeding. There are several dairies around me and I can pick up 2 day old bucklings very cheap, 5 bucks a head. I have a lot of browse, so once they're weaned costs go way down. I think there may be a business raising them for the meat market. Right now I have a couple of alpines, la manchas, toggenburgs and saanens. At least that's what they look like, they may mixes. In addition I have an alpine and toggenburg that are 6 months old and just put a 10 month old nubian in our freezer. He was 100 lbs on the hoof and gave us 34 lbs of boneless meat. Had to do the boneless because our freezer is so small.
Thanks for your help!
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