Dennis Goyette wrote:You could pass for 24.....I couldn't even pass for 44 =O
Danielle Morris wrote: Please leave a picture.
Gary Crivellone wrote:
I can not for some reason get this site to properly accept and install a
Danielle I see you are still advertising as a help mate. And I would love to have contact with you to explore the possibilities. Sharing ideas of where to live and start the farm / homestead in it self would be fun. Perhaps you will have enough interest to at least make contact. I could really use the help and would love to share my knowledge and teach you all that I know about farming and building.
Hi I am Gary and would love to begin communicating with you regarding the possibility of getting together to create a off grid life style. I have been in the past a Certified Organic Market grower. So growing our own food would not be a problem. I currently am looking for property with a year round creek to provide our own electrical power. I would love to see if we could possibly be compatible to take on this new life style. I also am importing Vanilla Beans from Madagascar as a way of adding extra monies to the life style. My web site SOURCEOFFOOD.COM should be up and running within a few days. Well there is lots more to the story so perhaps you will have enough interest to contact me @ sourceoffood@gmailcom. Best Gary and Peaches ( my Dog ) Hope you like dogs.
Gary Crivellone wrote:Hi I am Gary and would love to begin communicating with you regarding the possibility of getting together to create a off grid life style. I have been in the past a Certified Organic Market grower. so growing our own food would nt be a problem. I currently am looking for property with a year round creek to provide our own electrical power. I would love to see if we could possibly be compatible to take on this new life style. I also am importing Vanilla Beans from Madagascar as a way of adding extra monies to the life style. My web site should be up and running within a few days. Well there is lots more to the story so perhaps you will have enough interest to contact me @ sourceoffood@gmailcom. Best Gary Peaches ( my Dog ) Hope you like dogs.
J. Avers, Green Country Agroforestry
Never Stop Dreaming
Live large! ... but not you tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies