I really like the idea of re-establishing ghost towns.
They sometimes have a basic infrastructure and buildings.
So... doing some research I went to:
In the state of Washington, in Jefferson county, there was an old mill town called "Port Discovery"
with a picture of a structure that was falling into the water. Abandoned.
Not a new idea... but... often states or counties are put in charge of cleaning up these
abandoned and/or dirty and hazardous sites. But... cities, counties, states, countries...
are strapped for cash and funds are earmarked for more pressing needs.
What research I have done with "tax due" properties, is that if a property is taken by
the state for owing taxes, and it doesn't
sell in the bidding process (real estate markets
pick more viable properties and leave problem properties) -- then the
city or county has
to come in, demolish the property and sell it on the market -- sometimes for the cost all
that cleanup the city had to embark on.
Sometimes people have property that they are required to carry insurance on, and the
cost of insurance is cheaper if there is someone living on the property protecting it.
Basically... couldn't a group of people make a proposal to a city or county to exchange
ownership of the property if they promised to clean it up??
Don't cities and counties have lists of "clean up sites"? Abandoned tax-owing properties?
How could a person do a search on such things?
Would a person or group just go to a town council meeting and ask?
Is there a homestead law that allows groups to stake a claim on abandoned properties?
Maybe we can make a national law... that permits people to stake claim on these
in the style of the original homesteading laws... have to have a structure in 5 years, etc.