So I didn't want to grow pumpkin at all, but I was given free Hokkaido seeds. They grew into one huge plant which covered all the sweet peas and is racing past melon plants. I'm not cutting it because I have no patience for pumpkins at all, so I decided to let it do (almost) whatever it wants.
Meanwhile, I couldn't grow *any* zuccini! I used to have abundance of them, just like all the gardeners, but this year I wasted two packs of seeds and only now I finally have one zuccini plant. Which has its first tiny zuccini fruit.
I know unripe zuccinis are edible and delicious, but I'd rather let this one grow some more.
Meanwhile, the pumpkin has produced one fruit which is almost ripe and a few others.
So I'm probably going to have quite a few Hokkaido pumpkins and I don't really want to wait till autumn harvest, to eat mostly pumkin then...
I looked the question up
online and got two types of answers. One: "yes, it's edible and delicious!". The other: "no, unripe pumpkin is tasteless don't eat it".
What do you think?