Mike, you have to bare in mind that rocket stoves are not exactly an everyday occurrence in most peoples lives!
The metal, camp site rocket stoves are quite well covered but a heavy brick
rocket stove are simply not a common place fixture in peoples homes.
To the best of my knowledge I am the only person in my catchment area of 65k people who actually uses one, I doubt if there are more than a handful across the whole of the UK and northern France!
Obviously in ‘off grid’ places they are more popular and some of the more compact designs are uses in a few European homes but you also have to bare in mind that in many places in the world there are strict building codes that only allow tried and tested wood burning stoves.
That leads us on to the new generation wood burners that you can just walk into a shop and buy.
They are insulated, use secondary air, dont smoke and look really neat and smart.
So that is probably why there are not many video on youtube.
I think will the development of ‘the bell system’ rocket stoves like Peters latest designs, at least have a chance of becoming more popular in the future but I also believe that heavy brick
rocket stove will only ever be of a tiny minority interest.