Hi, new here. We're in the research stage for building a home. I have found much spilled ink regarding container floors, but little about any toxins which might remain from previous cargo. Any body have thoughts on if and how that can me dealt with?
We built a home out of shipping containers (6) and sealed the floors with oil based paint and/or oil based polyurethane depending on the area. In addition we caulked around the floor in any locations where there were gaps that air might be able to infiltrate. There is no smell whatsoever after these steps were performed.
I will say that sanding of the floors to prep was performed like "hazmat" as far as dust and cleanup just in case.
Here are a few pics of how it all started a little over two years ago.
Total of 6 containers -- 3 on lower floor, 3 on upper floor. In these photos the boxes had just been installed on the foundation. Window and door cuts had already been made prior to placement.
I will post some more tomorrow to bring you from this stage to more current.