With the observation that Seaberry generates very little shade underneath it, but can not tolerate being shaded out itself, I had an idea for a way of planting out a mixed orchard. Please tell me if this makes sense.
We have a very steep 2 acre hill, all grass. I've been planning for establishing various fruit/nut
trees, shrubs, and useful herbaceous dudes in rows, on contour. There's major
deer pressure though and I have concerns about soil erosion on this steep hill.
If I planted hundreds of seedling Seaberry on contour, in rows, I'm thinking I could then plant my fruit/nut bushes/trees directly under the Seaberry. The dappled shade
should hopefully be a nice condition for the young plants to grow and maybe the Seaberry thorns will protect them from deer/rabbit browse. When the trees grow sufficiently they'll likely shade out and kill the Seaberry, which is fine by me, especially with the accompanying nitrogen nodule release from
root dieback.
Has anybody tried something similar? Do you think it'd work?