There’s a spot in my
land that Was once a
pond (old aerial photos show it) and I want to figure out if it will be a
pond again. (Or if I
should try to make it one…)
It has great slope, but it is shaded to a fair degree. But there’s just
enough light to plant some things. I’m trying to understand what happened here, so that I can have some idea what’s going to happen.
It looks like there used to be a pond here, maybe just a seasonal pond, but enough to be in multiple aerial photos from every year before we moved here that I see. I dont know, so they photograph at different times of year each year? Whatever it is created die off of the plants and
trees around there. Then maybe five years ago, something pulled the plug in the bathtub, I believe, and all the
water drained down through this one sink-hole-looking thing. The diameter of it is maybe 5 to 7 feet, and it goes down 2 to 3 feet. There’s not much of anything growing in it, some ferns, and nothing is remarkable about the soil in it. I’ve never seen standing water in this pond area not in the sinkhole, even though we’ve had the wettest year I’ve ever seen in my life. I haven’t looked that often, not during a torrential rain, but it rained a lot in the past couple days and there’s still no accumulation there today. It doesn’t even feel swampy, just damp.
(Alternate theory is there’s a giant vacuum cleaner under the property that sucks all the water and deposits in the bank)
In that area, there’s grass, and maybe 10 foot tall saplings, mostly Hawthorn. One of them even had berries! I never see any hawthorns with berries around here. Another thing that’s changing is that the Pines seem to be falling. Two down, a couple to go .
So I’m thinking this is a spot that’s going to turn into a bit of food forest. Not wet feet, but not sandbox, dry like the rest of the land either. it would be hard to bring equipment down there, but it can be worked with hand tools.
My concern is that there’s some thing I’ve missed, and that it’s going to eventually turn back into a pond again. Or a seasonal tree-murderer.
It also seems like it would be a good idea to terrace what’s around there, but that would mean taking down some pretty old trees, deciduous, and I can’t really justify that in my mind . It seems a lot of nutrient is washing down into that sink hole. Maybe just micro swales would make sense, since it’s not gonna be any less of a frost pocket anyway?
The other possibility is that it was some weird toxic chemical, and supporting this theory is the fact that people have thrown trash down there for maybe a century. There’s some interesting antiques, I found some gutters they were useful. An old heater tank, an
oven from the 30s or something. But I would think that whatever was toxic would’ve washed the way down to the sinkhole long ago too. Unless there’s something I don’t know about. Thoughts?