IF the chaps have Kevlar in them, then they are all about the same . In fact though I am not sure, I suspect that just about all chainsaw chaps are made by the same company and they just put different brands on them. In other words Stihl and Husqvarna chainsaw chaps were made by the same maker. If a person is looking for chaps though I recommend Labonville...
Myself, I found the style is more important then the brand. Myself I can not stand chaps because the loops and holes allow sticks to get jammed in them and trip me up. I already trip enough
cutting wood thank you, I do not need my safety pants adding to that issue. So I prefer to wear pants instead of chaps. These not only protect better, they don't cause tripping, and they protects against snow in the winter.In the summer however, they are hotter to wear.
As for if women have tougher, unpenetrable skin via chainsaw, yes it is true. Here is my wife getting ready for a day of logging.

All joking aside, she wa modeling my new chainsaw I bought last week. It seems a chainsaw cannot withstand Kevlar, but a chainsaw cannot withstand getting run over by a skidder. I guess it is rock, paper, scissors Maine logging style.