This is a tip someone gave, but if I can check out the reliability....
So I have tried to put some raw
beef in a jar with a commercial ecological sauerkraut.
I have kept it with NO FRIDGE from sunday to friday.
It looked "cooked" and I could eat it raw with no problem. Very good in a salad...
Each time I eat some, I cut the outside that was in contact with the juice, and I put back the rest in the glass jar with sauerkraut.
I have done it again and in the end (like 5 days) I had to give the meat to the cats because it did not look and smell so good.
course I cannot control the age of the meat when I buy it, the size of the piece is not the same each time, the quantity of cabbage or juice in the jar, etc.
I did not write the experiment, and sometimes I have put some thyme essential oil in the jar... It might help...
What do you think, what can be the risk? Is the nose
enough to check out?
Is the meat fermenting itself like this?