Animals --Our Partners in Design. Twelve-day permaculture design intensive in Moscow, Idaho, June 24-July 5, 2013. Hosted by Palouse Permaculture. Instructors: Deborah Berman, Suvia Judd and guests.
A number of people have requested more information about this course. Here you are!
This course unfolds new ways of thinking about animals, expands our awareness of what they have to offer, and presents a new template for design.
If you are just starting out raising farm animals, this course is one of the best investments of time and money you can make. In one place it shows you how to provide for the well-being of your animals, and how to design with them.
If you are an experienced livestock producer, it is a privilege to hear any one of the guest speakers, and to have the opportunity to hear them all together is huge. Dr. Ahmed Tibary, for example, was voted Theriogenologist (animal reproduction specialist) of the Year by the American College of Theriogenologists in 2011. Owen Hablutzel spoke on resilience theory and using keyline design to rehabilitate damaged drylands at the Tenth International
Permaculture Convergence in Jordan. Paul Wheaton of has been dubbed the Duke of
Permaculture by
Geoff Lawton, and
Joel Salatin, of course, is one of the best known farmers in America.
If you are not interested in using animals for food, but love working with animals, this course demonstrates multiple ways to practice permaculture with animals. And farm animals are only part of the story. This course introduces a wide variety of other animals you can use in permaculture, and shows what they have to contribute.
There has never been a permaculture course like this before. It is unique for the breadth of information covered and for the number and quality of the guest speakers. The speakers are all hotshots and great teachers, and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Our guests include permaculturists, farmers, veterinarians, and academics; all are highly respected. Expect to hear excellent information from multiple points of view.
Jefe eating leaves
The all-star line-up of presenters includes:
Joel Salatin* , well-known innovative farmer, speaking about his integrated multi-species farm;
Video: "Sissy Farmer (Joel Salatin on Forgiveness)":
Paul Wheaton*, of, speaking about
Sepp Holzer; forage paddocks for
chickens, pigs, and other animals; and dealing with
Owen Hablutzel, Certified Holistic Management Educator and a Director of Permaculture Research Institute--USA, speaking about using permaculture, holistic management, and keyline design to optimize farm layout;
Video: "Water and Transformation in Drylands Systems":
Jacqueline Freeman , of Friendly Haven Rise Farm, speaking about natural
beekeeping, and the nature of
Video: "Colony Collapse Disorder = Bee Stress" (Jacqueline, with Paul Wheaton):
Joseph Freeman, also of Friendly Haven Rise Farm, teaching about handling and moving animals gently Jacqueline and Joseph will also speak about their organic, biodynamic farm
Dr Ahmed Tibary, internationally renowned animal reproduction specialist, Washington State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, speaking about reproduction in grazing animals
Video: Dr Tibary attending the birth of a baby camel:
Cathy Spalding, Gentle Spirit Training, teaching observation-based gentle handling and training;
Tim Hatten, of Invertebrate Ecology, Inc, speaking about the ecological services of invertebrates, including bees and beetles;
and others.
Deborah Berman and
Suvia Judd of Palouse Permaculture are co-owners of The Lazy M Permaculture Oasis, one of the oldest suri alpaca farms in North America
*Presentations by starred speakers will be available as single workshops, in other words, open to those who are not taking the whole course. If there is another presentation you would like to see offered with that option, please contact us.
cat and sheep
The course topics are:
1. Context: the history of human-animal relationships; animals in natural ecosystems; exploring the nature of animals --what do animals need? what do they give?
alpaca girls playing dung beetle
Video: "The Primal Power of Play"
2. A template for design: the breadth of biological services offered by animals; matching animals to permaculture zones by the needs they have and the services they offer; integrating animals into forest gardens and other designed ecosystems
chickens in orchard
3. Introduction to Holistic Management: a framework for setting goals, making decisions, and evaluating progress. Useful for every household and every farm.
4. Short course in raising farm animals:
Herd health and management: nutrition; preventive health care; physical, spacial and social needs
ewes and lambs
Forage systems and pasture management: includes silvopastoralism, multi-species grazing, forage paddocks, holistic management grazing, and more
holistic management, before and after
Fencing and predator control
Ethics and the duty of care
Reproduction and breeding of grazing animals: nutrition, poisonous plants, new research, plus breeding success --what to breed for, and how to get there
Brock the ram ram triplets
Hands-on skills in gentle livestock handling, applicable to any kind of animals (people too!): understanding animals' need through observation; communication, moving and handling, training
mare with foal at side working
Video: "Using Natural Cattle Behavior to Move Cattle"
Optimizing farm layout and infrastructure: farm design using holistic management, keyline design, and permaculture
landscape based on keyline design
5. Other kinds of animals: dogs, fish, bees, worms, birds of prey and more; using their services in design
falconer with goshawk
Video: Kelpies herding:
6. The wild side: permaculture with wildlife
released into the wild!
7. Dreaming the future --towards a regenerative human-animal partnership: using animals for healing the earth and healing ourselves and others; ahimsa options
beaver dam
Video: "Kasey's Capable Hands" (service monkey)
"Animals are the mobile part of the forest."
bee in sunflower
Bill Mollison
To register see: