I wanted to offer a cheaper/lighter option to the small rolling cart. We had one, and it was okay, but moving it about was difficult. It's also large, and I found it awkward when sitting to pick small fruits.
What I love is a
shower seat. They are light, with built-in handles, so easy to move. Most are solid and very stable when sitting on them, as well as comfortable. Generally, they can be adjusted for height. Since they are built for use in showers, they hold up to the outside as well!
You can get them with or without a back piece or arms. I find the seat-only version the best for me since it's the smallest, lightest and I can sit on it "properly" or straddle it, depending on the space I'm working in. That said, the option of the arms can make getting up hugely easier for the aging body.
As an added bonus, they are pretty common in the second hand markets, so can be bought for cheap! ( I think we have 4 or 5, at this point)
Generally, I can recommend picking up some various "accessible" support devices, if you can find them cheap, and trying them to see what works for you. Best to know in advance what helps and it can be easier to keep doing things longer if you can remove or reduce the extra hard bits that might stop you from doing them as often.
Canes, step stools with the handles, hand tools with the wide ergonomic handles, walking poles, GRABBERS!!! ( grabbers make reaching those things, like branches, that are jjjjuuuuuusssttt out of reach so easy that you will want one on your belt tool holster. ( and in every room))