Many people on this forum believe that DE is some kind of 'cure all' for many animal problems.
Let me say that
I am NOT one of them.
Personally, I would
never put DE in any animal's ear.
Mixed with the natural mucus that is discharged through the ears, it could form a paste that would dry like cement.
How would that be removed?
For a natural cure, I would look to
The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat. I do not have my copy of the book with me, but take this treatment from the sheep-dog chapter of
The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable by the same author.
Cleanse the ears with diluted witch hazel, half a teaspoon of witch hazel to one tablespoon of tepid water....To heal the ears further a brew of horehound or rue should be used. One tablespoon of the finely-cut herb brew in one and a half cups water. Stand for four hours, then strain and use tepid [this is for use for ear mites..] Add extra, two drops only, oil of eucalyptus to every dessertspoon of the lotion.
She goes on to say that the eucalyptus oil is burning (but effective). If the dog seems bothered by this, rinse the ears with fresh
whole milk (don't use non-fat milk, as it is the fat that neutralizes the eucalyptus oil).