I responded earlier to a person who was struggling with finding a place. I told them that I see them. And that set me to thinking about an author I've been reading who doesn't know that he's doing
permaculture, but he is...perhaps from a purpleculture perspective, or philosophically.
One of his major themes is available here for free:
Habits of presence. That's what I wanted to touch on. You don't have to read the article if you don't want.
What Schindler is saying is what
permaculture is saying. Observe. It's step one, really. Be there. See there. Watch. Don't feel like you have to do anything. Don't do anything. Seek understanding but don't feel you have to intervene. Not yet. It isn't time for that yet. One day it will be, or may be.
I think if we all developed this habit of presence, just simple presence, the world would be a lot more peaceful and calm.
According to
permaculture, even once you do begin interacting, you proceed slowly and with small steps. And then grab your chair again. And watch.
I'm working hard to develop a habit of presence.