I REALLY struggled with goat cheese and goat
milk, for a long time - but, I kept trying. Then, I found a farm in Southern Indiana (USA) that sold all kinds of goat milk products - gelatos, yogurts, cheeses, chocolate milk, bottle goat milk, lotions, soaps - and I loved almost everything they sold, minus only 1 or 2 of the cheeses. I asked what made their products so sweet, when every other goat milk product I'd ever had tasted like a rank, old, buck in rut. They laughed, and shared their 'secrets': 1. keep everything so cold that it's barely shy of freezing - at all times. Also: 1. Keep everything ULTRA clean. Also: 1. Get those bucks as far away from the does as possible (minimum 200yds), at least a month before kidding time.
The only thing they failed to share, and I'm sure it was unintentional, was the
feed. My goats milk is so sweet and amazing, but has the tiniest bitter note in the after taste. So, I've been digging around, asking other goatie folks, and the only thing I haven't tried is changing the feed, so I'll be doing that, this summer. I'm switching to alfalfa in the little bin the does eat from, while I'm milking. Not more than that(&that's all the feed they get, besides horse-quality
hay & good forage). ~crossing my fingers~