Thanks for the insightful information! Ideally (landowner permitting), I will be incorporating hugelkulture beds next to the trees so we can get vegetable production as well. Perhaps if I can't get this done as soon as I would like, I will plant some hardy vegetable crops right near the tree--good advice. What are some good crops beside the corn you mentioned? I was thinking about some jerusalem artichokes, sunflower, and rhubarb. Suggestions for good pollenator attractors? The area we are planting is roughly 5 acres and all will be planted on the downhill side of our contour swales. Since the
land manager is a traditional style vegetable farmer (tilling, weeding, etc) I am having a harder time getting them to try the hugelkulture, but I really think this is the way to go. She just needs a little solid evidence to for convincing

I want to avoid fencing but I have a feeling this might be a little difficult, at least in the begining. Also, has anyone had any luck with
Sepp Holzer's method of shocking the trees before planting? It sounds like a great way to get hardier trees from the get go...
Thanks again!