I thought I'd start a
thread here to let folks see this plot as it progresses, because that's what I wish I could see on other people's farms!
We moved here in July last year, amidst a drought that set everything back. There was a small orchard on one side of the house but the
trees had fungus and blight. We chopped down the worst of the trees and cut the blight out of the rest, the best we could. I wintered the pigs under the trees to add fertilizer and kill off the grass.

They did a pretty good job, except in one paddock where I moved them out too soon so I could plant comfrey
I didn't want to lose the comfrey so I didn't mulch that (waiting to see how many come up - so far 10 out of 15 have). The rest of the area got a thick layer of 2 year old
hay from a round bale the neighbor delivered for us.
I'm going to leave the one tree with just comfrey growing under it to use as fodder for the goats and
rabbits. I'll interplant it with gladiolas, daffodils, and some other flowers to make it pretty.

The area to the right is planted with potatoes now (they're just coming up). Later we want to plant strawberries there. I read if you plant strawberries in the spring you need to keep them from fruiting, if you plant in the fall you can let them fruit the following spring, so it seems we only gain by growing potatoes here for now and planting the strawberries once we harvest the potatoes. I'll probably also plant blueberries in there among the strawberries, and maybe some flowers.
Along the front will be a border of mixed herbs and flowers. I've put in borage, sage, thyme, chives, lavender, rosemary, and rhubarb, and will put in some basil today. The flowers will be gladiolas and dahlias, and maybe some marigolds, with alyssum from seed to
feed beneficial insects.
The rest, a 16ft X 32ft rectangle with one baby cherry tree in it, is planted with corn and squash/pumpkins from seed we saved over the winter and from ornamental popcorn and Indian corn. The Indian corn will go to the pigs this winter after the kids decorate with it.