Hi M;
It sounds like you want a simple J-Tube design
rocket stove.
Although they can be built with many materials, preferably, you want your core to be built with solid clay bricks.
As you are just building an outdoor trash wood burner and not a mass heater there is plenty of leeway in build parameters.
Dirt is suitable to use in place of clay to fill holes.
The basic dimensions have one requirement. They must keep the same diameter from the
feed tube all the way through and up the riser. (chimney)
A Standard 8"
rocket stove core has an 8"x8" feed tube that is most commonly made 16" deep.
The horizontal "Burn tunnel" has a "roof length of 10" -12" and is the exact diameter of the feed tube 8x8.
Your riser is also the same diameter 8" and it
should be apx 3-4' tall.
If you have 9" material to use then keep it all 9" and you will have no problem.
Cracking is the biggest issue as the rapid heat changes stress most materials.
Solid clay brick will last the longest if true firebrick is not available.
With an open burner like this most anything will burn.
Yes, it will burn painted wood... if you or the neighbors do not mind.
Be very aware that nothing flammable is above your riser(chimney) once lit and gotten up to working temperature, you can have flames showing.