I have a lot of thistles this year! I've dug up (carefully) those that are in the way, plan to chop and drop the rest at some point. I know
bees love them (and snails, it seems) so I don't want to get rid of them all....
1. Any suggestions on control so they don't take over? Some areas of my field are left wild, currently 3rd year, ryegrass, mugwort,
dandelions, some
nettles this year, plus assorted minor players like chamomile, wild geraniums, wild chervil, bugloss, some kind of creeping thing I don't know... It's different every year so far...
Should I just
compost them, or is there anything else I can more usefully do? Brew them up into a fertiliser? Can one eat them? (How?) I can't burn them as it's only allowed to have fires outdoors in March and (I think) September here... And I don't think my chimney would appreciate doing it indoors. I could be wrong...