First off, every piece of running grass
root can grow into a new plant, so I suggest you stop rototilling...
Running grasses are really tough customers and virtually impossible to eradicate.
As with Alder, barriers are the most effective way I've found. They need to be thick, overlapping and perimeters must be patrolled for escapees!
I find old carpet is good. It can be cut to fit and I generally run it up the sides of things like fences, bed edges etc a bit, and make sure it's
really tightly fitting.
It aint pretty on its own: lay it upside-down and cover with chipped
wood mulch.
But many people aren't comfortable using carpet because of the toxic chemicals in it's construction.
Basically all carpet, unless it's really ancient, has plastic strips woven through the base which can get everywhere if it's moved when the pile's broken down.
Offtopic, but worth saying while I'm going on about carpet:...I
never use carpet around
trees: the strips choke growing trees and it prevents the feeder
roots accessing oxygen.