posted 7 months ago
Hi folks, well it's raspberry season here again. I wanted to tell about these red raspberries I planted (amongst other varieties) probably about 8 years? ago. They're called "Dorman Red" and they SPREAD all over in dappled shade. By this time they're all over the shady area on the south side of the carport. They do have thorns, but the thorns aren't that bad.
From what I've read about them, they're part (half?) THIMBLEBERRY, which is a plant that prospers and spreads and is apparently wild in Michigan.
Well these have spread too, on the south side of my metal carport, but in the shade of a large Manchurian apricot (NOT a good tree, btw, for apricots since it's only ever produced apricots one year out of about 20!) in only slightly improved dirt (from many years ago). They are not quite as strong-flavored as "Heritage" raspberries, and slightly flatter, but for sheer persistence and ease I totally recommend them!! I'm pretty well amazed at how easily and without any work from me, they have spread.