I have a volunteercallery pear tree that has been growing for maybe 15 years. It has been fruiting for many of those years. Take a look at what it is doing this year. The year I was gonna make vinegar with the fruit. Sigh.
What is wrong with it? If I cut it back, and rework it to an edible pear over winter, will this problem affect my edibles?
Is that the same as cedar apple rust? My gala apple hasn't produced yet... So the only damage I have seen are rust spots on the leaves. And yes Eastern cedar is common enough in the field windbreaks for my little acre to have several under 6 feet tall.
not the same but related. there’s also a cedar-hawthorn rust, which is more like cedar-apple rust. cedar-quince rust is the only one that disfigures the fruit so badly.
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