Thanks for the engineering site tip. I'd like a better press to use, for sure. Mostly, I'm experimenting with a rocket-type stove, so I'm not currently putting the briquettes to real world use, just testing to see if it'll work for me for real when I integrate the stove for my home power needs before this winter. So I'm no expert---yet.

Right now, my press is crude and only does a small stack of briquettes in a tube mould each time, so there's tons of room for improvement. It really does have potential, though. That much I can see.
I'm dying to try making charcoal briquettes next.
Biochar is my latest area of research, or the latest manifestation of my obsessive drive to find cheap, viable, clean alternative
energy sources that are not controlled by corporations. Briquetting works on so many levels toward that goal, from boosting local economies and cleanly dealing with waste products to self sufficiency and soil amendments for farming/gardening.
When you implement this, and I have every confidence you will be successful in that, be sure to show others so they can get onboard, too.