If I buy a truffle, I'm pretty sure I'm also buying a million other types of microbes with it.
Truffles no longer come just from Europe. I know in Oregon there are truffle-rustlers.
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kravka kravov wrote:can you please tell me what is the progress of those oaks?It will be great if you post some pic-s.
Which type of boletu you are using?
Just me and my kids, off griddin' it - follow along our shenanigans at our YouTube Uncle Dutch Farms.
Dan Permington wrote:Just bought a piece of land along the Southern Oregon Coast Range and am thinking about doing a couple acres with some Perigord Truffle inoculated Hazelnut trees. I'd love to do the inoculation myself, so browsing this thread has been interesting. The inoculated seedlings go for $22 a pop, so that can add up quickly and turn into quite the investment. A couple interesting notes... the trees that are inoculated with the French truffles are a European variety of Oaks and Hazelnuts. So soil amending is necessary to make the acidic soils here in Oregon more alkaline for the trees and truffles. The other thing to think about is how wet it is in Oregon. Yes we have our native truffles, but that does not mean that European truffles will grow well here. Last year they uncovered the first cultivated European truffle in Oregon. So, I'd like to see if there's a bit more success this year. Otherwise, I could always inoculate a bunch of Doug Firs with Oregon Whites, even though they sell for significantly less. Probably wouldn't have to worry about amending the soil or rain water drainage.
Just me and my kids, off griddin' it - follow along our shenanigans at our YouTube Uncle Dutch Farms.
David Miller wrote:What types of North American truffles are there? Any suppliers for 'stock'? I'm in VA, and would love info on VA truffle farming
Just me and my kids, off griddin' it - follow along our shenanigans at our YouTube Uncle Dutch Farms.
"In a fruit forest everyone is happy"- Sepp Holzer
Just me and my kids, off griddin' it - follow along our shenanigans at our YouTube Uncle Dutch Farms.
Brad Morse wrote:So many questions so little time. I originally posted this question in hugelkulture but it seems to be more relevant here. I am trying to set up a small truffle farm in the Puget Sound area. The soil PH there is between 4.5 to 7 depending on the area so I wanted to make huglekulture on contour and have the soil ph increased to 7.5 to 8...
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