Definition: The science of comprehending and then re-establishing all of the biogeochemical connections and metabolic meridians composing our host macro organism, referred to as Earth or Gaia.
I am greatly interested in the application of biogeochemistry towards comprehending the dynamics of the biosphere's (gaia's) homeostasis. This includes a comprehension of the nutritional/metabolic cycles of both macro (“communal”- planetary, forest, reefs) and micro (“individual”- animals, plants, coral, fish) ecosystems, as well as the metabolic connections between them. For those of you who are perplexed by my word choice; I say ecosystems because my (and many others) intuition and observations tell me that life is but a single macro system comprised of numerous micro systems that, individually unto themselves, are relatively macro systems made of more micro systems that are macro systems unto themselves, and so on and so forth. With that mindset, I (and many others yielding insight from the fields of Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, etc..) come to the conclusion that “individual” organisms are biotic communities, or ecosystems themselves. The same can be said for the organs and “individual” parts of the organism; even down to its cells (and cell components!).
My reasoning for choosing a label aside from bioremediation or
permaculture is because i feel there needs to be a more consistent, collaborative effort to manifest our goals of
sustainability. These systems we are devising need to act as gaian “organs” that homeostatically nurture all circles of life and not just our species or immediate community. There needs to be an effort to understand physiology of the earth as a whole and what individual systems need to be resurrected to reinstate it's optimum health. For example, on the surface it may appear seemingly beneficial to convert the entire midwestern united states a humongous food forest. It would build topsoil, nullify carcinogens, and provide the
energy and material needs for countless numbers of human and non human beings. But what if our current biosphere (the one that includes humans as possible components) is/was reliant on the midwestern US being prairies/grassland managed by grazing ruminants. The fact that the physical integrity of earth's metabolic cycles is not just ideal or optional, but elementary, needs to become
common sense (again). Thinking otherwise is akin to the notion that your overall health would be not be threatened by your gut flora deciding they don’t want to be “mere” gut flora anymore and abandoning there position of your biological counterpart (So they begin mining lime from your bones to erect calcareous metropolis’ throughout your bowels, while redirecting fluids and minerals to manufacture things completely foreign to your biochemistry and then proceeding to “litter” them throughout your being).
The mission is to ensure that all people are able to revert back to a bio-synchronistic lifestyle (where their energy and material supply needs are consumed and exuded in a manner that ultimately manifests as their ecosystems healthy metabolic functioning) while using our present, highly unsustainable, technological infrastructure to expedite the remedial compensation for the damage inflicted by our current lifestyle. Such as: using energy intensive machines/instruments (tractors, planes, trains, etc..) to dig swales/keylines across vast spans of desert, import/export organic matter from/to regions that have an abundance/deficiency, spray sulfate aerosols over arctic regions to slow ice melt, making large volumes of
biochar from annual plants to sequester atmospheric
carbon, etc... This most likely sounds impossible to many, probably most, people (most can’t even begin to simply fathom the problems, let alone the solutions). But my research indicates that Gaia has provided us with not only the means to heal the damaged systems that are spiraling into disease, but also to resurrect extinct systems and even to potentiate established and pristine systems.
Free access to education is also a focal point. Due to cultural dynamics, much of this information has been isolated and segregated, making it appear irrelevant and abstract. So a a main focal point is to compile, decipher and synchronize the information into a format that is more overlapping and existential and into a language that is easily translated and interpreted by other cultures. Then to document and publish the information through many different mediums, making the information accessible to as wide a scope of interests and individuals as possible. Ultimately, hoping to establish more communication and collaboration between analogous groups and to provide a foundational armament of information to those who are actually going to decide our ultimate fate, the people. I feel there is a huge disconnect and shortsightedness in comprehending the depth, complexity and magnitude of the adoptions and sacrifices necessary to truly achieve a state of sustenance. Time and time again, I find groups and individuals touting formula's for sustainable/permanent cultures, and upon further investigation it's apparent that pivotal factors of their solution are only achievable within the current unsustainable civilization infrastructure we are attempting to sustain [one based around non-renewable resources and/or the hyper exploitation of renewable resources. Such as: electricity,
solar panels, oil, generators, plastics, monocultures, greenhouses, strip-mining of elements/metals and continued translocation of nutrients/fertilizers over long distances, with no reimbursement or reciprocation for the area depleted)]; Or their models have reached a point of physical sustainability, but there are aspects of their lifestyle that still objectify and/or oppress other beings (be them plants, microbes, humans, or animals), which proves to be mentally unsustainable, and thus, physical sustainability will ultimately decompose.
This is still a brainchild and any feedback or participation is welcome and appreciated.