Yesterday i say down and looked up all the stuff juan oria de la rueda has written on the different varieties of oak in his end of the woods he only rights about trees you can find in castilla y leon and their uses. so here the low down
The white oak, quercus pertaea's acorns are used for the live stock and for humans. they used to make bread out of them as well as munching away at acorns. the evergreen oak and this one are the only ones he mentions as used for human consumption. he gives historiacal references to this.
He mentions that it has more acorns than any other varietes of oak , he says a mature tree can produce up to 50,000 acorns a year which is to say 100kilos/arbol these really good crops aaare proceeded by a warm spring and hot dry summer. they dont happen every year which seems to be true of most other oaks to .
He says that they used to measure the area of the woods in atlantic europe so they could decide how many pigs could be feed and the population were forced to plant and whatch over the good rooting of several oaks every year including the parish preists,widows and lord mayors, because they were important for the populations.
He says the acorns are very important to the brown bear and there are not many left here.
wood is really good for furniture and construction and boat building. its is found in the north coast pyranees and a few patches further towards the centre.
The rubor, quercus rubur.. also is natural to the northern part of spain it mostly occupies the northcoast. Where it occupies more southerly zones it lives suprisingly high up the montains up to 1800 metrees in one place 1,700 in another and1,600 in another .
The fauna like woods of this oak because it produces more acorns than other oaks and more regularly, producing several tons of acorns a hectar. He does not say it is used for the llivestock.
The wood of the rubur is good for carpentry and construction like the wood of the white oak.
The rest of the varieties of oaks trees live in the interior are trees that can take a mediteranean summer.
The Mellojo, quercus pyrenaica, has big deeply indented leaves which leaves go brown in winter but don't fall from the tree . The leaves are thickish and covered with fine white hairs a way of protecting the leaf from loss of humidity.
Juan Oria de la Rueda says that the pigs eat its acorns
He also says that the leaves of the tree are used as forage for the live stock in winter. They stripped the leaves off the tree, they
milk the tree of its leaves and feed to them to the pigs and they are fed to them cooked up with potatoes and straw . This sustains them but does not fatten them, maybe used for the sows, not the young who are being fattened on acorns. Maybe for people who could not afford acorns .
This happens in palentina, leonesa and zamoriano monte. Monte means scrubland, monte alto, means wooded land and monte bajo land covered in bushes.
He also mentions tthe branch twig as good for goats. It is this tree mostly whose leaves were fed to the billy goats kept in a pen close to my house.
He says the acorns were auctioned off in Requejada in Zamora and the owner went out with a barrow to pick them up before the live stock came out to graze.
The leaf was also collected as bedding. I think the use of leaf for bedding is yet another reason for desertification by over pasturizing in spain or at any rate leaving the lands barren. It is yet another way to reduce organic material and it would be as well to bare it in mind as a reason for desertification in other countries, if anyone has to deal with agricultural problems in other countries. Of course one hopes permaculturists will be spreading the word.
When I bought my house there was a patch of this oak that grew no higher than my knee and covered a largeish area i don't know if for the animals to eat or for the shepherds to cut branch off to tsk¡e to the live stock. I post a photo of this but now the trees are biggish. I wish i had photographed it when i first got the house. The patch is encircled in red. This tree is known for sending up lots of shoots from its roots probably does not bother if you don't cut it down. agri rose macaskie.