From the link...
"When I first began researching for the Anima Mundi documentary (2011) I had assumed
permaculture was about growing fruit and vegetables and that was pretty much it, but I was to learn that
permaculture encompassed so much more including
sustainable housing, self-employment, complimentary healthcare, education, economics and
energy, especially embodied energy. Embodied energy is the energy required to extract energy like oil or gas or
solar, and the energy required to manufacture something. This embodied energy element was something I felt drastically missing from environmental and sustainability debates where supposed "Eco-friendly" products when looked at from the embodied energy perspective were not as Eco-friendly as advertised. I learned that humanity is artificially sustaining 7 billion people through the use of non-renewable fossil-fuel energy with no viable alternative to continuing our over-consumptive wasteful lifestyle.
Permaculture however offers an energy decent framework reducing our addiction to economic growth whilst still allowing humanity to evolve as a species. The Gaia philosophy explored in Anima Mundi naturally fits with permaculture principles, not as some hippie airy-fairy fantasy but as the scientific fact of our, and every other creature's, connectedness within the Earth's ecosystem. To learn further please visit"