Several of my neighbors think I'm a "speaker to plants" not by training, just by years and a semi-green thumb. This week one brought three one gallon pots with some sort of brown things each with a few branches that may have once been plants, I'm still not sure. She couldn't remember the name, but was sure all three were the same type. I have them in the basement, soaking in some pans with worm tea
water, have to wait and see, at this point I don't have much hope, they may become material for the
compost bin.
My next case this week is a rescue of an Australian Sword Fern - Nephrolepis obliterate. I've finger combed all the brown out that I could, removed several acorns and a few oak leaves. I'm sure that it is severely
root bound, as it has sent out leaves from the four drainage holes. My question is how far can I cut the mass of
roots back?? I want to try and save all four new shoots as well as the mother plant. Can I cut the mother plant in half?? I know that the root ball will need to be cut back.
Any ideas will be a great help.