It is so much easier to NOT be a
You get to watch TV, all the best shows on cable, satellite, dish, Tivo...everything, all the time.
You don't have to worry about where your food came from. It came from the store.
It's not NPK, it's NFL, NBA, NHL, all on NBC.
lawn in green and tidy, just like everyone else's. There is no standing out in the crowd.
You never have to worry about a tick on your butt.
Press the button, heat comes on. Can it be easier?
Teflon pans are so easy to clean. When they wear out, just get another one.
You can have THE BEST hair. You'll need the Paul Mason Salon products:
shampoo, conditioner, cleansing rinse, pre-mousse, mousse, post-mousse, and finishing rinse. Oh, and the spritzer. I just LOVE the spritzer.
There is no worrying about climate warming, or whatever that is.
Everything is electric: the clothes
dryer, the hair dryer, the nail polish dryer, hair curler, iron, stove, can opener, carving knife.
Dinner is so fast and easy. It'll be here in 10 minutes.
Cabbage is so gross. Instead, you can have the Cobb Salad at Zaxby's with the Parisian Viniagrette, and the croutons come individually wrapped.
You don't have to spend your time milling wheat. Just get the Harvest Grain bread. It's made with grain so you KNOW its good for you.
You don't have to
compost. You can just throw it away. They'll take it.
Permie people don't use fabric softener or deodorant.
You don't have to scrub dishes by hand. Just put it through the dishwasher and press the pots and pans button. Run it a second time if you have to.
Chickens are dirty. They carry diseases.
If you want to be green, you don't have to burn oil for heat. You can burn natural gas. It's renewable.
I'm not worried about car emissions. My SUV get 16 MPG on the highway and it has Economode if I really need it.
Dirt? Get a Swiffer.
You can just leave the
lights on. CFLs don't use much power.
It's a shame that farm is still there. It's an eyesore from the solarium of my condo. They
should buy it and put in a wading pool.
I am saving the world. I use recyclable plastic shopping bags whenever I get the chance.
I'd buy whole foods but I cant eat a whole
chicken. I get the Tyson boneless, skinless breasts so I don't throw away as much.
GMOs are good for you.
That fertilizer stuff washes right off. They do it at the store.
Don't waste you money on that expensive 'organic' stuff. It's just a marketing trick to get you to spend more. My BFF Tiffani told me all about it.
If the gas price gets too high, they'll just build another factory to make it.
Hemenway? I read For Whom the Bell Tolls back in Junior College.