Ben Doolen : Have you been to to pick up your PDF Copy of Ianto Evans' great book
' Rocket Mass Heaters', there is
STILL no other book in any
language with more
Rocket Mass Heater information. ( and I don't make a nickel ! )
If you have not already done so you should check out, They have several suggested builds which are definitely Works of
Art, look at the way the
stones dress up the surfaces of the Thermal Bench,
Cob is a fun medium to use and can at least be removed without the use of jack hammers, which is what you
might have to do to
sell the property 15 -20 years down the road !
For the Good of the Craft !
As always, your comments and questions are solicited and are Welcome, think like Fire, flow like a gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! PYRO - Logically Big AL !