I have always been a fan of willow
trees. largely because I enjoy their habits and almost mystical fairy tale look in certain situations, perhaps because they are often found around
water it contributes to the aura about them. they have some exceptional qualities outside of their often interesting looks.
willows are great for erosion control around water. they
root easily and grow fast. they can have aggressive
roots which needs to be noted when placing them...or allowing them...to grow.
the willow contains large amounts of salicylic acid. it is similiar to aspirin and was often used traditionally as a pain reliever and fever reducer. you might notice that salicylic acid is often on the label of skin care products and is used in the treatement of acne as it tends to make the skin shed more rapidly to help unclog pores and and prevent the minor infections associated with them.
the tips of the leaves (especially) contain significant amounts of plants hormones that will help themselves and other species to root more easily. a soak in willow water can help get harder to root cuttings off and going.
their thin flexible branches can be used in basketry and wicker furniture and probalby have hundreds of other uses.
because of its rapid growth and ease of reproduction willows have numerous other uses as forage, biomass production, privacy screens etc....
any one have any other cool tidbits and uses for willows?