We are looking for a lap top to use off line at home.
I would like to be able to edit photos, both ones I've taken and old family ones that I've scanned onto flash drives.
I have a notion I'd like to put a little book together following the women on my mom's side back several generations interspersing scanned letters with photos and also text.and maybe try to put together an ebook about my pet spider
My husband has a writers program on his dieing laptop that he liked but is open to others.
He used it for layout and arranging into a form our
local printer could use for his chap
He has other small books in mind so mostly typing and scanning in images.
So, something under $1000...with lots of storage and several usb ports...a program for organizing info into book format, a good photo editing program....
and the big one, most important maybe...a long life.