rose macaskie wrote:
Looney k you say you are a near hermit, What do your parents think about festivities , my experience is that this being a hermit is not ias i used to think it was a question of the character otf people as much as something determined by your parents attitudes to society or your own not to you character. Do they think partying is silly frivolouse or great. DO they ionly approve work occupations. Do they think people wnho talk a lot are clowns or do they think that people who don't talk have notmuch nouse can't think of anything to say becasue they don't have head for it.
Do they think jokes fill a function like that they smooth over akward moments, help us to face up to things and talk of them that embarras us, are an easier to assimilate form of opinion thtn a lecture or do they think they are a waste of time and done to show off. Differences in peoples families attitudes to social conducts like thatting and joking and such are what makes a person more or less social, noy their shy or hermit like nature, i always tried to see peoples behavior as part of their inate character and nothing fitted till i found out that the opinions they hold change their conduct more than ther shyness or extrovertness .
Another example, some people think that conversation has a seriouse end of trying to let the other learn to express themselves, gain confidence and allows you to understand others and lead better or work together better and talking i sharing what you know instead of being mean with it and that it is not really possible to understand others without giving a lot of time to talking on lots of subject and others think talking is uneccesary and a wast of time better employed in other things like earning money and that they can know each other without spending much time talking, that they are brilliant judges of character almost magicians. That to talk is is a sign of weakness, a sign that you don't know how to contain yourself and have to blabber on . HO i like writting novels it seems. rose macaskie.
What about saying what songs you like and what tellevision programs
What politics do you believe in,
do you beileve in evolution. What sort of a christian are you, heavy or light.
If you had complete liberty bags of money, etc ., what would you do?
Do you like children?
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