I bought this nearly new juicer for $15.00. I tried running a bunch of these golf ball sized, very chewy apples through it and the juice yield was very poor. It chipped the apples into little chunks but most juice remained within the pulp. I tried squeezing the juice out and it became clear that a press would be required for this sort of juicing.
Then I put a few apples in the freezer. I figured that a million little ice crystals would pierce the cell walls and make the juice flow more easily. It worked. Not only did the juicer extract more of it; the resultant mash was the consistency of
apple sauce and I was able to extract more juice when I squeezed it.
This process can be used to either heat or cool the home as a side effect. It all depends on where the freezer and thaw locations are. The freezer is a heat pump and the motor produces some heat.