Hi All,
Can you please advise me whether it makes sense to dig swales on countour of sandy hill? Rain
water sinks in the hill very fast, I have never seen it flowing downhill really. The hill has only some poor grass vegetation and a few scattered pines, and the purpose of swales would be to encourage other vegetation. My preference would be to plant a hedge along swales - be it blackthorn, siberian
pea shrub, pears, whatever thorny and hard to pass. I'm limited to manual labour, so the swales cannot be very deep or wide.
Another question is what to use to fill the
swale - I've figured that when filled with organic matter it will promote plant growth along the swale and will hold moisture.
I do not have a source of rich soli, all is sandy, so I'm wondering where to plant - the
berm would be a poor sand (no good) - does planting directly in a swale work? Sand under it still provides perfect drainage in my opinion, but I'm really not sure if it all makes any sense.