J.D. Ray wrote:OSU is trying the grafting of blueberries onto sparkleberries, the latter of which isn't edible but in the same family (?):
Well, good as an ornamental but harder to harvest. I think shrub types are fine. I guess a mechanized (using saskatoon harvesters) monoculture with
deer trouble, or a silvopasture, might benefit by getting the leaves and fruit more out of reach, but usually the main pests are rodents gnawing winter bark and birds stealing berries, which will not be stopped by this at all.
Does silvopasture even work for acidophyllic plants? Won't the manure bring the soil closer to neutral pH?
Same genus, actually. I grew up in sparkleberry country and they are in fact "edible" (but better for wildlife: deer, certain butterflies, birds), just not very eatable. We called them "farkleberries" because they make you fart. Boys use them for practical jokes, not flavor.