Thank you for posting that.
It points out how fish farming is even more dangerous to world health than GMO's and chemicals used by BigAg.
BigAg is not content with poisoning our lands...they want to
fuck up our waters as well.
I spent a lot of time in the Chilean Canals
before they began farming salmon there.
They mentioned the $2 billion losses there, but those don't even take into account the damages done to one of the richest fishing grounds in the continent. The damages they are counting are only for the salmon farms. Seafood for the locals there, is just like the salmon are to our
natives here in the PNW...a way of life.
One of the scientists that they featured in the Cohen Commission coverage, (that was confirming that Norway was prohibiting fish farms in natural fish grounds) is very familiar to me. For 5 of the 7 years that I was involved in Antarctic research, I worked each spring with Dr. Ian Sterling. He is an honest, hard working,
true scientist. He is in the 'game' to learn about how things work in nature. He is not one of the corporate, nor academia "yes men". His knowledge comes from hard work
in the field amongst the critters he is studying. He is one of CA's leading authorities on Polar Bears (as well as Antarctic seals).