Stephen Richardson : The last time we talked I was guilty of not answering All your questions, this time I will try to catch up, First, they tell the story of a man with legal troubles
and he asks his barber ''who is the best lawyer in town'' barbers
answer ''Jim Smith is the best, when he's sober !'' so the 1st guy says, ''oh, thats terrible, who do you think is-
the 2nd best?", the barber answers, ''why, Jim Smith when he is drinking !''
Absolutely and without any reservation on my part the very best book for any one building their 1st
rocket mass heater RMH, is Ianto Evans' great book,
Rocket Mass Heaters
With over ~100,000 Rocket Mass Heaters~ built world wide, most of them have been built by people after reading ' The Book ' , 95% of all the 1st time builds (that worked) were
built following " The Book "!
Lately I have seen comments from people reviewing '
Rocket Mass Heaters ' and they say the book is nearly 10 years old and must be outdated,however none of these
reviewers have proposed a second book or combination of written
books in any language(s) to serve as the equal to '' The book ", this is where I ask you to spend the munificent
mont of- wait for it - $15 U.S. by going to> for your PDF Copies of 'Rocket Mass Heaters' my final word on this subject for first time builders > There is
nothing like this (Book) any where here this (Book) so this must be "The Book" !
Any other problems, we will gladly call ' Our own ' here at Permies .com ! Yes, way too small, 1st, this is a Vertical Fuel
Feed Tube, right?, the burn tunnel for a 6'' system should
be at least 5'' X 5.5'', and an 8'' system should have a burn tunnel of ~50''~ 7 X 7-ish, here the idea is to quickly burn up
enough dry hardwood to produce the very high temps
that make great efficiencies possible.
If we give the RMH - Pride of Place, in the heart of the home, which is what hearth 1st meant, and tend it lovingly, like a beloved family member or a Well Endowed Bank Account
depositing- small chunks of wood ,and receiving -automatic disbursements in the form of Heat, we will soon grow to love our very personal relationship with our
rocket stove, in Cold
Climates we generally can divide the attention paid to the
rocket mass heater in all but the coldest weather to 3-4 hours of attention 2Xs a day, or 8 hrs for ~20-25 hours of heat .
Warmer periods receiving 48 hours plus per 'Burn'!
Some unanswered questions from your prior threads (sorry !)
Barrels blowing up, they can not blow up if you fill them completely full of
water first, ( The if you dilute it Xs Three rule is, fill and flush it 3 times and its safe ) with hydrocarbons, if
there is No place for them to exist, then they are not presently there, Personally I use an axe to open the drum, ( sexual pund'its need not appliqué )
I am not sure what yo meant by registry plate ? Minimum thickness, and 'oil drum made of ductile steel is thicker than the steel in an Fossil fuel fired forced-air Furnace, and 'they'
are usually guaranteed for 20 years !
Smoke and CO,. every house should have them, tonight at the
local volunteer fire department, we toss in the old ones, and they announce Santa's arrival at the Fire hall in letters 3'