I have been researching the
rocket mass heater for many months now finally feel comfortable to make my own. But yet I don't feel comfortable
enough yet to put one inside my house for fear of screwing it up and hurting my family. Plus, my wife doesn't think they are pretty enough to bring indoors, especially with my lack of
cob molding skills. I then thought I would put one in my
greenhouse, but I don't really need the extra heat in there. So what was I to do .... then as I was freezing my butt off today during a surprise snow it hit me: Integrate the
rocket mass heater into the new fire pit area I am making.
Has anyone made outdoor seats? What do you seal the cob with? What other material could I use beside cob? Could I make a
wood frame, fill it with sand, and put wood on the sides and top?
How long is too long for the ducts? Could I run the ducts in one big semi-circle? Or must it pass twice through the same mass?
Are there any pictures of someone who has done this?