posted 14 years ago
Perhaps I was misunderstood.
It's not government that is the problem. And never was, even back in 1776 the British government was not the problem. It's who CONTROLS the government that is, was and always will be the problem. Back in 1776 the British government was controlled by the wealthy British Aristocracy. The American Colonies were simply a business investment.
The reason for the revolution was the ornery buggers who moved to the colonies to get away from being beholden to the wealthy aristocracy in the old world. They wanted to do their own thing without interference from the people who "owned” the old world and thought they owned the new world.
Ever since 1776 it's been a knock down, drag through the mud brawl between big money and the common people. Back then it was a “big money aristocracy through birth”, now it's simply a “big money aristocracy”.
And that’s as simple as I can make it; what controlled the colonial government in 1775 was money, since 1776 the common people have been fighting with the big money aristocracy to control the government. And frankly folks, we are in the “Valley Forge” of this fight, we are up against the ropes and the ref is counting down.
As for my ranting about rules, if what you did in no way affected me, we would not need rules. BUT, there are so many of us in this world that whatever you do will, somehow sometime affect me. SO, we need rules to make sure that what each of us does, does not negatively affect each other.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
rage, rage against the dying of the light