BRK #20
Recap of the last 7 days
K Wagner wrote:is this your first time peeling? How do you like the toolset? I have never done it but am trying to buy some peeling tools soon to start on a roundwood shed.
Yes, it is. I continued my progress Tuesday. The key tool which I haven't used yet is the draw knife. The log peeler I'm holding in the photo is great for removing the bark. Underneath that is the soft, spongy tissue which quickly dries out and hardens when exposed to air. It's best to get that layer off as quickly as possible. One technique I found to work quite well utilizes a curved tool head to remove the cambium from the
wood along the circumference of the log. I'll try to get some
video of that soon.
Wednesday the big Solarium beam got a whole bunch of notches cut where the rafters will go.
Thursday, more
hugel path repair and chopping grass in the garden. Then continued Solarium work in the afternoon.
Friday Bee and I fetched a trailerload of bark mulch. I heard his reasons for departing from
Bootcamp. He plans to continue his sabbatical, then help his mother with implementing
permaculture systems on her property: certainly, a worthy cause. We finished up the berm shed repair too.
Saturday, drove me and one other to a Missoula farmer's market. I bought some body products from an apiary and some dried tea herbs from a
Sunday was spent with Paul's friend and her son who were visiting. We went out for lunch, and I got the kid hooked on a card game called Star Realms. We played for many hours.
Monday we spread the pile of mulch throughout the garden. Our newest and youngest honorary boot put in a solid morning of hard work. I operated the Kubota
tractor, kinda. The last three notches on the beam for the Solarium were measured, scribed, double checked, and adjusted accordingly.