As to my 2023
gardening goals, well, I'm already behind (our best
gardening season just started), but...
--maintain the two tower garden units I just got
--keep up with succession planting seeds, so I can have transplants ready to go in, wherever there is room
--obtain another plastic laundry sink
--make one or two more worm bins in different areas
--make and trial an indoor worm bin, as a
gift for my friend's birthday in March. (She doesn't "believe" we are likely to
experience crazy inflation and possibly food shortages/famine any time soon. But I am heeding the warnings, especially since, being an island, we cannot just drive to the next state to pick something up. We import more than 85% of our food here. And people seem completely clueless! I started her growing in pots on her lanai years ago, and she's kept that up. Baby steps...)
--use compost tea and garden scrap teas more regularly
--maintain a garden notebook, so I can know which varieties work best for us
--save more of my own seeds
--air layer duplicates of some of my favorite plants, for redundancy (also because there has already been theft from the street, where many of my plants grow)
--grow and process more
medicinal herbs
--grow more flowers (with a long-term goal of getting
--grow more of the spices and herbs for tea that I now purchase
--dry the orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit peel of any organic fruits I grow/get
--relocate some of the street-level plants to areas in the yard
--obtain more toilet tanks for the back area, a narrow strip that is the only full sun we get in the back this time of year
--refresh my
dragon fruit plants and replace the varieties that need hand pollination
--grow watermelons, melons, pumpkins, and chayote squash
--succession plant green, long, winged, and lima beans
--try cover cropping this summer
--try to grow some onions into bulbs
enough greens and grass to sustain a few small
rabbits, for fertilizer at least; possibly for meat also (I am anticipating shortages or unaffordable prices for
hay, and I do not want to buy commercial
feed full of coloring and hydrogenated horrible oils, etc)
--that would also mean building some sort of rabbit housing, too
--use some natural sprays to control powdery mildew and other bacterial/fungal diseases that would normally kill stuff
--figure out how to grow peppers!
--and then make my own fermented hot sauce!
--make and use some of the Korean Natural Farming/JADAM-type amendments
--grow more greens for the
chickens and ducks
--kill slugs and snails more regularly, before they become a big problem
--grow all my own ginger and turmeric
--grow Mexican oregano again (killed a plant I had for years; I miss it for cooking, and babies I've tried to grow since have all died)
--grow all my own greens
--harvest more of my
--graph lemon and tangerine onto the jabong cocktail tree
--find a good location for the mulberry and keep that alive this time
--use the shredder I bought to shred
cardboard for the worm and compost bins
--rebuild the compost sifter
--possibly start aerobic compost tea brewing
--repot and refresh the kumquat tree
--stop overbuying seeds!!!
--set up the plastic rack I picked up from the trash yesterday as a table for more seed starting
--put up the wire mesh as trellising and plant something like cucumber or peas to climb it
--keep notes on the different micro dwarf tomato varieties I am trying
Wow, some lofty goals...but they say you
should aim higher than you think you might accomplish, right?! Thank you for forcing me to set some goals. Things fall too easily by the wayside otherwise.
Happy New Year to my
permie "family." We are helping to save the world...and let's hope more people join the movement, eh?!
(I'm guessing with the coming nitrogen fertilizer shortage, some people WILL figure out that aged
urine becomes ammonia, so we actually make all the fertilizer we need...without the industrial mega-corporations...)