Harry Kaneer :
Thank you for your comment about the increased danger of using Dense fire brick within the Combined Combustion area of the Rocket
Burner, and specifically the floor of the Burn Tunnel !
I Think we are in total agreement, My hierarchy of bricks places Dense fire brick at the bottom when constructing the combined combustion chamber
( Burn Tunnel and Heat Riser ! ) By selecting a hypothetical use of hard, Dense,
FireKiln Brick for part of the floor of the
ash pit- In a
build where I am determined to leave a Consolidated Layer of Fly Ash as an additional layer of protection of the area surrounding the
Feed Tube, AND the
floor of the Burn Tunnel, I am greatly improving the longevity of the entire Combustion zone and replacing weak fairure-prone lite fire bricks at a specific
area where I can compensate for the additional heat transference by retainng more fly ash both with-in the Ash Pit and the Foor of the Burn Tunnel.
It is still a primary responsibility of the
RMH builder to make sure that the Floor of the housing structure does not suffer damage from the heat
radiated from the Mass of the Rocket Burner or the initial 4-5 feet of the Thermal Mass! Again thank you for pointing out the need for me to clarify that point ! Big AL!